5.7. Merge (opt)#



  • Know the different pandas routines for combining datasets

  • Know when to use pd.concat vs pd.merge vs pd.join

  • Be able to apply the three main combining routines


  • WDI data on GDP components, population, and square miles of countries

  • Book ratings: 6,000,000 ratings for the 10,000 most rated books on Goodreads

  • Details for all delayed US domestic flights in November 2016, obtained from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics

5.7.1. Outline#

# Uncomment following line to install on colab
#! pip install qeds

5.7.2. Combining Datasets#

Often, we will want perform joint analysis on data from different sources.

For example, when analyzing the regional sales for a company, we might want to include industry aggregates or demographic information for each region.

Or perhaps we are working with product-level data, have a list of product groups in a separate dataset, and want to compute aggregate statistics for each group.

import pandas as pd
import qeds
%matplotlib inline
# activate plot theme
import qeds

from IPython.display import display
# from WDI. Units trillions of 2010 USD
url = "https://datascience.quantecon.org/assets/data/wdi_data.csv"
wdi = pd.read_csv(url).set_index(["country", "year"])

wdi2017 = wdi.xs(2017, level="year")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 72 entries, (Canada, 2017) to (United States, 2000)
Data columns (total 5 columns):
GovExpend      72 non-null float64
Consumption    72 non-null float64
Exports        72 non-null float64
Imports        72 non-null float64
GDP            72 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(5)
memory usage: 3.2+ KB
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627
wdi2016_17 = wdi.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, [2016, 2017]],: ]
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP
country year
Canada 2017 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164
2016 0.364899 1.058426 0.576394 0.575775 1.814016
Germany 2017 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870
2016 0.734014 2.075615 1.844949 1.589495 3.801859
United Kingdom 2017 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704
2016 0.550596 1.772348 0.816792 0.901494 2.768241
United States 2017 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627
2016 2.407981 11.722133 2.219937 2.936004 16.972348
# Data from https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Geography/Land-area/Square-miles
# units -- millions of square miles
sq_miles = pd.Series({
   "United States": 3.8,
   "Canada": 3.8,
   "Germany": 0.137,
   "United Kingdom": 0.0936,
   "Russia": 6.6,
}, name="sq_miles").to_frame()
sq_miles.index.name = "country"
United States 3.8000
Canada 3.8000
Germany 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.0936
Russia 6.6000
# from WDI. Units millions of people
pop_url = "https://datascience.quantecon.org/assets/data/wdi_population.csv"
pop = pd.read_csv(pop_url).set_index(["country", "year"])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
MultiIndex: 72 entries, (Canada, 2017) to (United States, 2000)
Data columns (total 1 columns):
Population    72 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1)
memory usage: 1005.0+ bytes
country year
Canada 2017 36.540268
2016 36.109487
2015 35.702908
2014 35.437435
2013 35.082954
2012 34.714222
2011 34.339328
2010 34.004889
2009 33.628895
2008 33.247118

Suppose that we were asked to compute a number of statistics with the data above:

  • As a measure of land usage or productivity, what is Consumption per square mile?

  • What is GDP per capita (per person) for each country in each year? How about Consumption per person?

  • What is the population density of each country? How much does it change over time?

Notice that to answer any of the questions from above, we will have to use data from more than one of our DataFrames.

In this lecture, we will learn many techniques for combining datasets that originate from different sources, careful to ensure that data is properly aligned.

In pandas three main methods can combine datasets:

  1. pd.concat([dfs...])

  2. pd.merge(df1, df2)

  3. df1.join(df2)

We’ll look at each one.

5.7.3. pd.concat#

The pd.concat function is used to stack two or more DataFrames together.

An example of when you might want to do this is if you have monthly data in separate files on your computer and would like to have 1 year of data in a single DataFrame.

The first argument to pd.concat is a list of DataFrames to be stitched together.

The other commonly used argument is named axis.

As we have seen before, many pandas functions have an axis argument that specifies whether a particular operation should happen down rows (axis=0) or along columns (axis=1).

In the context of pd.concat, setting axis=0 (the default case) will stack DataFrames on top of one another while axis=1 stacks them side by side.

We’ll look at each case separately. axis=0#

When we call pd.concat and set axis=0, the list of DataFrames passed in the first argument will be stacked on top of one another.

Let’s try it out here.

# equivalent to pd.concat([wdi2017, sq_miles]) -- axis=0 is default
pd.concat([wdi2017, sq_miles], axis=0)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:2: FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

Consumption Exports GDP GovExpend Imports sq_miles
Canada 1.095475 0.582831 1.868164 0.372665 0.600031 NaN
Germany 2.112009 1.930563 3.883870 0.745579 1.666348 NaN
United Kingdom 1.809154 0.862629 2.818704 0.549538 0.933145 NaN
United States 12.019266 2.287071 17.348627 2.405743 3.069954 NaN
United States NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.8000
Canada NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.8000
Germany NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.1370
United Kingdom NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.0936
Russia NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.6000

Notice a few things:

  • The number of rows in the output is the total number
    of rows in all inputs. The labels are all from the original DataFrames.
  • The column labels are all the distinct column labels from all the inputs.

  • For columns that appeared only in one input, the value for all row labels originating from a different input is equal to NaN (marked as missing). axis=1#

In this example, concatenating by stacking side-by-side makes more sense.

We accomplish this by passing axis=1 to pd.concat:

pd.concat([wdi2017, sq_miles], axis=1)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:1: FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
Russia NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.6000
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000

Notice here that

  • The index entries are all unique index entries that appeared in any DataFrame.

  • The column labels are all column labels from the inputs.

  • As wdi2017 didn’t have a Russia row, the value for all of its columns is NaN.

Now we can answer one of our questions from above: What is Consumption per square mile?

temp = pd.concat([wdi2017, sq_miles], axis=1)
temp["Consumption"] / temp["sq_miles"]
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:1: FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
Canada             0.288283
Germany           15.416124
Russia                  NaN
United Kingdom    19.328569
United States      3.162965
dtype: float64

5.7.4. pd.merge#

pd.merge operates on two DataFrames at a time and is primarily used to bring columns from one DataFrame into another, aligning data based on one or more “key” columns.

This is a somewhat difficult concept to grasp by reading, so let’s look at some examples.

pd.merge(wdi2017, sq_miles, on="country")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000

The output here looks very similar to what we saw with concat and axis=1, except that the row for Russia does not appear.

We will talk more about why this happened soon.

For now, let’s look at a slightly more intriguing example:

pd.merge(wdi2016_17, sq_miles, on="country")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Canada 0.364899 1.058426 0.576394 0.575775 1.814016 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
Germany 0.734014 2.075615 1.844949 1.589495 3.801859 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United Kingdom 0.550596 1.772348 0.816792 0.901494 2.768241 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000
United States 2.407981 11.722133 2.219937 2.936004 16.972348 3.8000

Here’s how we think about what happened:

  • The data in wdi2016_17 is copied over exactly as is.

  • Because country was on the index for both DataFrames, it is on the index of the output.

  • We lost the year on the index – we’ll work on getting it back below.

  • The additional column in sq_miles was added to column labels for the output.

  • The data from the sq_miles column was added to the output by looking up rows where the country in the two DataFrames lined up.

    • Note that all the countries appeared twice, and the data in sq_miles was repeated. This is because wdi2016_17 had two rows for each country.

    • Also note that because Russia did not appear in wdi2016_17, the value sq_miles.loc["Russia"] (i.e. 6.6) is not used the output.

How do we get the year back?

We must first call reset_index on wdi2016_17 so that in the first step when all columns are copied over, year is included.

pd.merge(wdi2016_17.reset_index(), sq_miles, on="country")
country year GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
0 Canada 2017 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
1 Canada 2016 0.364899 1.058426 0.576394 0.575775 1.814016 3.8000
2 Germany 2017 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
3 Germany 2016 0.734014 2.075615 1.844949 1.589495 3.801859 0.1370
4 United Kingdom 2017 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
5 United Kingdom 2016 0.550596 1.772348 0.816792 0.901494 2.768241 0.0936
6 United States 2017 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000
7 United States 2016 2.407981 11.722133 2.219937 2.936004 16.972348 3.8000 Multiple Columns#

Sometimes, we need to merge multiple columns.

For example our pop and wdi2016_17 DataFrames both have observations organized by country and year.

To properly merge these datasets, we would need to align the data by both country and year.

We pass a list to the on argument to accomplish this:

pd.merge(wdi2016_17, pop, on=["country", "year"])
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP Population
country year
Canada 2017 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 36.540268
2016 0.364899 1.058426 0.576394 0.575775 1.814016 36.109487
Germany 2017 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 82.657002
2016 0.734014 2.075615 1.844949 1.589495 3.801859 82.348669
United Kingdom 2017 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 66.058859
2016 0.550596 1.772348 0.816792 0.901494 2.768241 65.595565
United States 2017 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 325.147121
2016 2.407981 11.722133 2.219937 2.936004 16.972348 323.071342

Now, we can answer more of our questions from above: What is GDP per capita (per person) for each country in each year? How about Consumption per person?

wdi_pop = pd.merge(wdi2016_17, pop, on=["country", "year"])
wdi_pop["GDP"] / wdi_pop["Population"]
country         year
Canada          2017    0.051126
                2016    0.050237
Germany         2017    0.046988
                2016    0.046168
United Kingdom  2017    0.042670
                2016    0.042202
United States   2017    0.053356
                2016    0.052534
dtype: float64
wdi_pop["Consumption"] / wdi_pop["Population"]
country         year
Canada          2017    0.029980
                2016    0.029312
Germany         2017    0.025551
                2016    0.025205
United Kingdom  2017    0.027387
                2016    0.027019
United States   2017    0.036966
                2016    0.036283
dtype: float64

See exercise 1 in the exercise list

5.7.5. Arguments to merge#

The pd.merge function can take many optional arguments.

We’ll talk about a few of the most commonly-used ones here and refer you to the documentation for more details.

We’ll follow the pandas convention and refer to the first argument to pd.merge as left and call the second right. on#

We have already seen this one used before, but we want to point out that on is optional.

If nothing is given for this argument, pandas will use all columns in left and right with the same name.

In our example, country is the only column that appears in both DataFrames, so it is used for on if we don’t pass anything.

The following two are equivalent.

pd.merge(wdi2017, sq_miles, on="country")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000
# if we move index back to columns, the `on` is un-necessary
pd.merge(wdi2017.reset_index(), sq_miles.reset_index())
country GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
0 Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
1 Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
2 United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
3 United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000 left_on, right_on#

Above, we used the on argument to identify a column in both left and right that was used to align data.

Sometimes, both DataFrames don’t have the same name for this column.

In that case, we use the left_on and right_on arguments, passing the proper column name(s) to align the data.

We’ll show you an example below, but it is somewhat silly as our DataFrames do both have the country column.

pd.merge(wdi2017, sq_miles, left_on="country", right_on="country")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000 left_index, right_index#

Sometimes, as in our example, the key used to align data is actually in the index instead of one of the columns.

In this case, we can use the left_index or right_index arguments.

We should only set these values to a boolean (True or False).

Let’s practice with this.

pd.merge(wdi2017, sq_miles, left_on="country", right_index=True)
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000 how#

The how is perhaps the most powerful, but most conceptually difficult of the arguments we will cover.

This argument controls which values from the key column(s) appear in the output.

The 4 possible options for this argument are summarized in the image below.


In words, we have:

  • left: Default and what we described above. It uses the keys from the left DataFrame.

  • right: Output will contain all keys from right.

  • inner: The output will only contain keys that appear in both left and right.

  • outer: The output will contain any key found in either left or right.

In addition to the above, we will use the following two DataFrames to illustrate the how option.

wdi2017_no_US = wdi2017.drop("United States")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704
sq_miles_no_germany = sq_miles.drop("Germany")
United States 3.8000
Canada 3.8000
United Kingdom 0.0936
Russia 6.6000

Now, let’s see all the possible how options.

# default
pd.merge(wdi2017, sq_miles, on="country", how="left")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000
# notice ``Russia`` is included
pd.merge(wdi2017, sq_miles, on="country", how="right")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000
Russia NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.6000
# notice no United States or Russia
pd.merge(wdi2017_no_US, sq_miles, on="country", how="inner")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
# includes all 5, even though they don't all appear in either DataFrame
pd.merge(wdi2017_no_US, sq_miles_no_germany, on="country", how="outer")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 NaN
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.8000
Russia NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.6000

See exercise 2 in the exercise list

See exercise 3 in the exercise list df.merge(df2)#

Note that the DataFrame type has a merge method.

It is the same as the function we have been working with, but passes the DataFrame before the period as left.

Thus df.merge(other) is equivalent to pd.merge(df, other).

wdi2017.merge(sq_miles, on="country", how="right")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000
Russia NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.6000

5.7.6. df.join#

The join method for a DataFrame is very similar to the merge method described above, but only allows you to use the index of the right DataFrame as the join key.

Thus, left.join(right, on="country") is equivalent to calling pd.merge(left, right, left_on="country", right_index=True).

The implementation of the join method calls merge internally, but sets the left_on and right_index arguments for you.

You can do anything with df.join that you can do with df.merge, but df.joinis more convenient to use if the keys ofright` are in the index.

wdi2017.join(sq_miles, on="country")
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000
wdi2017.merge(sq_miles, left_on="country", right_index=True)
GovExpend Consumption Exports Imports GDP sq_miles
Canada 0.372665 1.095475 0.582831 0.600031 1.868164 3.8000
Germany 0.745579 2.112009 1.930563 1.666348 3.883870 0.1370
United Kingdom 0.549538 1.809154 0.862629 0.933145 2.818704 0.0936
United States 2.405743 12.019266 2.287071 3.069954 17.348627 3.8000

5.7.7. Case Study#

Let’s put these tools to practice by loading some real datasets and seeing how these functions can be applied.

We’ll analyze ratings of books from the website Goodreads.

We accessed the data here.

Let’s load it up.

ratings = qeds.data.load("goodreads_ratings")
user_id book_id rating
0 1 258 5
1 2 4081 4
2 2 260 5
3 2 9296 5
4 2 2318 3
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 5976479 entries, 0 to 5976478
Data columns (total 3 columns):
user_id    int64
book_id    int64
rating     int64
dtypes: int64(3)
memory usage: 136.8 MB

We can already do some interesting things with just the ratings data.

Let’s see how many ratings of each number are in our dataset.


Let’s also see how many users have rated N books, for all N possible.

To do this, we will use value_counts twice (can you think of why?).

We will see a more flexible way of performing similar grouped operations in a future lecture.

users_by_n = (
    .value_counts()  # Series. Index: user_id, value: n ratings by user
    .value_counts()  # Series. Index: n_ratings by user, value: N_users with this many ratings
    .sort_index()    # Sort our Series by the index (number of ratings)
    .reset_index()   # Dataframe with columns `index` (from above) and `user_id`
    .rename(columns={"index": "N_ratings", "user_id": "N_users"})
N_ratings N_users
0 19 1
1 20 1
2 21 3
3 22 13
4 23 5
5 24 11
6 25 13
7 26 23
8 27 34
9 28 26

Let’s look at some statistics on that dataset.

N_ratings N_users
count 181.00000 181.000000
mean 109.01105 295.160221
std 52.41342 309.461848
min 19.00000 1.000000
25% 64.00000 40.000000
50% 109.00000 158.000000
75% 154.00000 538.000000
max 200.00000 964.000000

We can see the same data visually in a box plot.

users_by_n.plot(kind="box", subplots=True)
N_ratings       AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.352273x0.755)
N_users      AxesSubplot(0.547727,0.125;0.352273x0.755)
dtype: object

Let’s practice applying the want operator…

Want: Determine whether a relationship between the number of ratings a user has written and the distribution of the ratings exists. (Maybe we are an author hoping to inflate our ratings and wonder if we should target “more experienced” Goodreads users, or focus on newcomers.)

Let’s start from the result and work our way backwards:

  1. We can answer our question if we have two similar DataFrames:

  • All ratings by the N (e.g. 5) users with the most ratings

  • All ratings by the N users with the least number of ratings

  1. To get that, we will need to extract rows of ratings with user_id associated with the N most and least prolific raters

  2. For that, we need the most and least active user_ids

  3. To get that info, we need a count of how many ratings each user left.

  • We can get that with df["user_id"].value_counts(), so let’s start there.

# step 4
n_ratings = ratings["user_id"].value_counts()
30944    200
12874    200
52036    199
28158    199
12381    199
Name: user_id, dtype: int64
# step 3
N = 5
most_prolific_users = n_ratings.nlargest(5).index.tolist()
least_prolific_users = n_ratings.nsmallest(5).index.tolist()
# step 2
active_ratings = ratings.loc[ratings["user_id"].isin(most_prolific_users), :]
inactive_ratings = ratings.loc[ratings["user_id"].isin(least_prolific_users), :]
# step 1 -- get the answer!
    kind="bar", title="Distribution of ratings by most active users"
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f2a2fa0dcc0>
    kind="bar", title="Distribution of ratings by least active users"
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f2a2cbe06d8>

Nice! From the picture above, the new users look much more likely to leave 5 star ratings than more experienced users. Book Data#

We know what you are probably thinking: “Isn’t this a lecture on merging? Why are we only using one dataset?”

We hear you.

Let’s also load a dataset containing information on the actual books.

books = qeds.data.load("goodreads_books")
# we only need a few of the columns
books = books[["book_id", "authors", "title"]]
print("shape: ", books.shape)
print("dtypes:\n", books.dtypes, sep="")
shape:  (10000, 3)
book_id     int64
authors    object
title      object
dtype: object
book_id authors title
0 1 Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)
1 2 J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry P...
2 3 Stephenie Meyer Twilight (Twilight, #1)
3 4 Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird
4 5 F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

We could do similar interesting things with just the books dataset, but we will skip it for now and merge them together.

rated_books = pd.merge(ratings, books)

Now, let’s see which books have been most often rated.

most_rated_books_id = rated_books["book_id"].value_counts().nlargest(10).index
most_rated_books = rated_books.loc[rated_books["book_id"].isin(most_rated_books_id), :]
['Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)',
 "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)",
 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2)',
 'The Great Gatsby',
 'To Kill a Mockingbird',
 'The Hobbit',
 'Twilight (Twilight, #1)',
 'The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)',
 'Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)',
 'Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3)']

Let’s use our pivot_table knowledge to compute the average rating for each of these books.

most_rated_books.pivot_table(values="rating", index="title")
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2) 4.133422
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2) 4.229418
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3) 4.418732
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1) 4.351350
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, #3) 3.853131
The Great Gatsby 3.772224
The Hobbit 4.148477
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1) 4.279707
To Kill a Mockingbird 4.329369
Twilight (Twilight, #1) 3.214341

These ratings seem surprisingly low, given that they are the most often rated books on Goodreads.

I wonder what the bottom of the distribution looks like…

See exercise 4 in the exercise list

Let’s compute the average number of ratings for each book in our sample.

average_ratings = (
    .pivot_table(values="rating", index="title")
    .sort_values(by="rating", ascending=False)
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes 4.829876
ESV Study Bible 4.818182
Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons 4.768707
The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes 4.766355
The Revenge of the Baby-Sat 4.761364
There's Treasure Everywhere: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection 4.760456
The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury 4.757202
It's a Magical World: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection 4.747396
Harry Potter Boxed Set, Books 1-5 (Harry Potter, #1-5) 4.736842
The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book 4.728528

What does the overall distribution of average ratings look like?

# plot a kernel density estimate of average ratings
average_ratings.plot.density(xlim=(1, 5))

# or a histogram
average_ratings.plot.hist(bins=30, xlim=(1, 5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f2a1ee545c0>
../../_images/merge_80_1.png ../../_images/merge_80_2.png

It looks like most books have an average rating of just below 4.

5.7.8. Extra Example: Airline Delays#

Let’s look at one more example.

This time, we will use a dataset from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics that describes the cause of all US domestic flight delays in November 2016:

air_perf = qeds.load("airline_performance_dec16")[["CRSDepTime", "Carrier", "CarrierDelay", "ArrDelay"]]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 460949 entries, 0 to 460948
Data columns (total 4 columns):
CRSDepTime      460949 non-null datetime64[ns]
Carrier         460949 non-null object
CarrierDelay    460949 non-null float64
ArrDelay        452229 non-null float64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 14.1+ MB
CRSDepTime Carrier CarrierDelay ArrDelay
0 2016-12-18 15:58:00 AA 0.0 20.0
1 2016-12-19 15:58:00 AA 0.0 20.0
2 2016-12-20 15:58:00 AA 0.0 -3.0
3 2016-12-21 15:58:00 AA 0.0 -10.0
4 2016-12-22 15:58:00 AA 0.0 -8.0

The Carrier column identifies the airline and the CarrierDelay reports the number of minutes of the total delay assigned as the “carrier’s fault”.

Want: Determine which airlines, on average, contribute most to delays.

We can do this using pivot_table:

avg_delays = (
    .pivot_table(index="Carrier", values="CarrierDelay", aggfunc="mean")
    .nlargest(10, "CarrierDelay")
F9 7.856566
EV 7.125663
OO 6.705469
B6 5.588006
DL 4.674957
HA 4.577753
UA 4.368148
NK 4.166264
AA 4.073358
VX 3.342923

The one issue with this dataset is that we don’t know what all those two letter carrier codes are!

Thankfully, we have a second dataset that maps the two letter code into the full airline name.

carrier_code = qeds.load("airline_carrier_codes")
ZW Air Wisconsin Airlines Corp (1994 - )
ZX Airbc Ltd. (1990 - 2000)
ZX Air Georgian (2002 - )
ZY Atlantic Gulf Airlines (1985 - 1986)
ZYZ Skyway Aviation Inc. (1960 - 2002)

Let’s merge these names so we know which airlines we should avoid flying…

avg_delays_w_code = avg_delays.join(carrier_code)
avg_delays_w_code.sort_values("CarrierDelay", ascending=False)
CarrierDelay Description
F9 7.856566 Frontier Airlines Inc. (1994 - )
EV 7.125663 ExpressJet Airlines Inc. (2012 - )
EV 7.125663 Atlantic Southeast Airlines (1993 - 2011)
OO 6.705469 SkyWest Airlines Inc. (2003 - )
B6 5.588006 JetBlue Airways (2000 - )
DL 4.674957 Delta Air Lines Inc. (1960 - )
HA 4.577753 Hawaiian Airlines Inc. (1960 - )
UA 4.368148 United Air Lines Inc. (1960 - )
NK 4.166264 Spirit Air Lines (1992 - )
AA 4.073358 American Airlines Inc. (1960 - )
VX 3.342923 Virgin America (2007 - )
VX 3.342923 Aces Airlines (1992 - 2003)

Based on that information, which airlines would you avoid near the holidays?

5.7.9. Visualizing Merge Operations#

As we did in the reshape lecture, we will visualize the various merge operations using artificial DataFrames.

First, we create some dummy DataFrames.

dfL = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Key": ["A", "B", "A", "C"], "C1":[1, 2, 3, 4], "C2": [10, 20, 30, 40]},
    index=["L1", "L2", "L3", "L4"]
)[["Key", "C1", "C2"]]

print("This is dfL: ")

dfR = pd.DataFrame(
    {"Key": ["A", "B", "C", "D"], "C3": [100, 200, 300, 400]},
    index=["R1", "R2", "R3", "R4"]
)[["Key", "C3"]]

print("This is dfR:")
This is dfL: 
Key C1 C2
L1 A 1 10
L2 B 2 20
L3 A 3 30
L4 C 4 40
This is dfR:
Key C3
R1 A 100
R2 B 200
R3 C 300
R4 D 400 pd.concat#

Recall that calling pd.concat(..., axis=0) will stack DataFrames on top of one another:

pd.concat([dfL, dfR], axis=0)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:1: FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
C1 C2 C3 Key
L1 1.0 10.0 NaN A
L2 2.0 20.0 NaN B
L3 3.0 30.0 NaN A
L4 4.0 40.0 NaN C
R1 NaN NaN 100.0 A
R2 NaN NaN 200.0 B
R3 NaN NaN 300.0 C
R4 NaN NaN 400.0 D

Here’s how we might visualize that.


We can also set axis=1 to stack side by side.

pd.concat([dfL, dfR], axis=1)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:1: FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
Key C1 C2 Key C3
L1 A 1.0 10.0 NaN NaN
L2 B 2.0 20.0 NaN NaN
L3 A 3.0 30.0 NaN NaN
L4 C 4.0 40.0 NaN NaN
R1 NaN NaN NaN A 100.0
R2 NaN NaN NaN B 200.0
R3 NaN NaN NaN C 300.0
R4 NaN NaN NaN D 400.0

Here’s how we might visualize that.

concat\_axis1.gif pd.merge#

The animation below shows a visualization of what happens when we call

pd.merge(dfL, dfR, on="Key")
Key C1 C2 C3
0 A 1 10 100
1 A 3 30 100
2 B 2 20 200
3 C 4 40 300

Now, let’s focus on what happens when we set how="right".

Pay special attention to what happens when filling the output value for the key A.

pd.merge(dfL, dfR, on="Key", how="right")
Key C1 C2 C3
0 A 1.0 10.0 100
1 A 3.0 30.0 100
2 B 2.0 20.0 200
3 C 4.0 40.0 300
4 D NaN NaN 400
right\_merge.gif Exercises With Artificial Data#

See exercise 5 in the exercise list

See exercise 6 in the exercise list

See exercise 7 in the exercise list

5.7.10. Exercises#

Exercise 1

Use your new merge skills to answer the final question from above: What is the population density of each country? How much does it change over time?

# your code here

(back to text)

Exercise 2

Compare the how="left" with how="inner" options using the DataFrames wdi2017_no_US and sq_miles_no_germany.

Are the different? How?

Will this happen for all pairs of DataFrames, or are wdi2017_no_US and sq_miles_no_germany special in some way?

Also compare how="right" and how="outer" and answer the same questions.

# your code here

(back to text)

Exercise 3

Can you pick the correct argument for how such that pd.merge(wdi2017, sq_miles, how="left") is equal to pd.merge(sq_miles, wdi2017, how=XXX)?

# your code here

(back to text)

Exercise 4

Repeat the analysis above to determine the average rating for the books with the least number ratings.

Is there a distinguishable difference in the average rating compared to the most rated books?

Did you recognize any of the books?

# your code here

(back to text)

Exercise 5

In writing, describe what the output looks like when you do pd.concat([dfL, dfR], axis=1) (see above and/or run the cell below).

Be sure to describe things like:

  • What are the columns? What about columns with the same name?

  • What is the index?

  • Do any NaNs get introduced? If so, where? Why?

pd.concat([dfL, dfR], axis=1)
/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:1: FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

  """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
Key C1 C2 Key C3
L1 A 1.0 10.0 NaN NaN
L2 B 2.0 20.0 NaN NaN
L3 A 3.0 30.0 NaN NaN
L4 C 4.0 40.0 NaN NaN
R1 NaN NaN NaN A 100.0
R2 NaN NaN NaN B 200.0
R3 NaN NaN NaN C 300.0
R4 NaN NaN NaN D 400.0

(back to text)

Exercise 6

Determine what happens when you run each of the two cells below.

For each cell, answer the list of questions from the previous exercise.

# First code cell for above exercise
pd.concat([dfL, dfL], axis=0)
Key C1 C2
L1 A 1 10
L2 B 2 20
L3 A 3 30
L4 C 4 40
L1 A 1 10
L2 B 2 20
L3 A 3 30
L4 C 4 40
# Second code cell for above exercise
pd.concat([dfR, dfR], axis=1)
Key C3 Key C3
R1 A 100 A 100
R2 B 200 B 200
R3 C 300 C 300
R4 D 400 D 400

(back to text)

Exercise 7

Describe in words why the output of pd.merge(dfL, dfR, how="right") has more rows than either dfL or dfR.

Run the cell below to see the output of that operation.

(back to text)